Twelve, wood, dolphin, knife, bowl, mask, crystal, bones and marble - fusion. Exploring materials

Evgeny Antufiev
Evgeny Antufiev, 2013
Publisher: A+M Bookstore

Realized on the occasion of the exhibition Twelve, wood, dolphin, knife, bowl, mask, crystal, bones and marble - fusion. Exploring materials at the Maramotti Collection (17 February - 31 July 2013), this artist book is a map of the exhibition, but not only. Antufiev writes in the preface to the book: “Even when the exhibition is closed I hope it will not lose its relevance because this book is an artifact. It is a part of me, of my life. Reading this book is not easy and I'm sorry for this: I thank everyone who wants to do it. Don't focus on one text because each text is connected with others and makes sense in this relationship. I have prepared a small scheme that can help you connect with them. I then put some notes in the book to better clarify words and concepts to people who don't live in my country." The volume contains a rich iconographic regesto: a selection of works by Antufiev, photographs taken by the artist, texts.

Texts by Evgeny Antufiev, Nadezhda and Nadia Antufieva, Anton Belov, Angela Boskis, Marianna e Ekaterina Devlet, Valentin Diaconov, Oleg Dou, Tiziano Ghirelli, Ivan Gorshkov, Oleg Karavaichuk, Michael Klimin, Alexey Krivenko, Kirill Kto, Blanche Mere, Sayana Ondur, Marco Pedrazzini, Pavel Pepperstein, Olga Treivas, Arseniy Zhilyaev

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