MONITOR | Palazzo Maccafani, Pereto (AQ).

We are delighted to share that Marta Roberti is included in the group show "COLLETTIVA#" at  MONITOR Pereto. 


Collective #1 is the first of two appointments - the second will take place in the fall - that Monitor gallery is hosting at its venue in Palazzo Maccafani, Pereto (AQ). It brings together Roman galleries with whom Monitor has developed a rapport over the years through exchanges and liaisons: fellow travelling companions of sorts, some not necessarily present throughout the whole journey, but whose very existence entailed and still entails an encounter, a confrontation, and a dialogue. All important factors for personal and professional growth which Monitor celebrates by inviting each gallery to the Abruzzo hamlet, each with its own artist. Titled Collective #1, the exhibition will feature: Galerie Rolando Anselmi with Gianni Di Rosa, Ermes Ermes with Jakub Czyszczon, Ex Elettrofonica with Elena Mazzi, Matèria with duo Edoardo Fonseca and Silva & Francisca Valador, Studio Sales with Davide Monaldi, T293 with Caroline Mesquita, z2o Sara Zanin with Marta Roberti. The resulting exhibition is a varied and colorful picture of international relevance, united by the galleries’ freedom to select individual artists to present. In the rooms of the Palazzo, which is itself a continuous epiphany of changing atmospheres, ceramics are followed by video works, and painting by drawing and installation – like so many mosaics creating a beautiful landscape.



Saturday 28 May 2022  | 11am 4pm
Exhibition until 1 July


Saturday and Sunday 4pm 8pm
Other days of the week by appointment only

To book a visit, please contact

24 May 2022
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