We are delighted to share that Marta Roberti is included in the group show  "L'invenzione della giovinezza" curated by Sarah Linford and organized by Fondazione smART - Polo per l'arte.


Fondazione smART – polo per l’arteinaugurates,Friday May 13,L’invenzione della giovinezza, the group exhibition derived from the experimental educational project that involves the artistsJosé Angelino, Giulio Catelli, Gianluca Concialdi, Lorenzo Modica, Marta Roberti and Caterina Silva. L’invenzione della giovinezzais one of the winning projectsof the Foundation’s October 2021 Call for Ideas to stimulate creativity and contribute to the creation of new connections in the field of contemporary culture.
L’invenzione della giovinezzaasks: What constitutes “artistic research” today? How is it fostered? The avant-gardist dream of creating the world anew is long past, and the search for any revolutionary visual language has given way to practices that articulate devices and hybridize experiences. If there is to be a form of “radical pedagogy” in artistic education and research, then, it starts with reversing the top-down model of artistic education based on cognitive normative information and acquiring technical skills, or conceptual frameworks, through emulation. It cannot focus on producing artists that produce radical “content”
its final goal either. If there is to be change through practice, its research must take root in the radicality of the cognitive and physical operations enacted, not in programmatically reflecting a social purpose. Radical didactics must instead “indicate” ways to perpetually reinvent the operations of making, challenging assumptions about the very conditions for creativity and, ultimately, displacement.


More info:


Opening: Friday 13 May | 3-8pm
14 May – 1 June 2022

Fondazione smART - polo per l'arte

Piazza Crati 6/7, Rome

16 May 2022
of 187