L'ISOLA DEI CANI - Gelateria Sogni di Ghiaccio, Bologna

The exhibition season of Gelateria Sogni di Ghiaccio begins again. The artist run space in Bologna hosts the solo exhibition of Giovanni de Cataldo (Rome, 1990), "L'isola dei cani", curated by Saverio Verini, opening Friday, September 24 from 17.00.

"L'isola dei cani" evokes the name with which is known an area of London animated by strong social tensions, the peninsula of "Isle of Dog", where there is the district of Millwall, known among other things for the homonymous football team, represented by one of the most rebellious and radical supporters of England: the supporters of Millwall, in fact, are known for their intemperance, which especially in the eighties crossed with real demands and political protests.
Giovanni de Cataldo was inspired by the aesthetics of the fans organized to create a series of works that reflects on the antagonistic character of the ultras and their potential of temporary overthrow of power and its symbols.
The exhibition is organized with the support of Z2O Sara Zanin Gallery and will be open until Sunday, October 17.



Gelateria dei Sogni- Via Tanari Vecchia, 5, 40121 Bologna (BO)

 Opening Friday September 24, 2021 | 5 pm

September 24 > October 17, 2021

24 September 2021
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