CANTICHE - EX Chiesa in Albis
Cantiche is a photographic exhibition dedicated to the canticles of the poet Dante Alighieri, curated by Bruno Bandini and Beatrice Buscaroli.

Hell, Purgatory and Paradise become the "shot" that 20 authors select to offer a visual seduction of those states through which Dante reorders the rewards and punishments that await us once our lives are judged. 

Painters, sculptors, illustrators, since the Renaissance have accompanied us in this dialogue with Dante’s masterpiece. Now it is up to photography, through its variations of investigation: from the most daring experiments that allow to filter multiple readings of reality to the semantic implications of the photographic gesture presented as artistic elaboration from the "document", from the alienating ability of the "camera eye" to reportage. 

In essence 20 ways of questioning the photographic medium in relation to the solicitations that, even today, invest us through Dante’s masterpiece.



Ex Chiesa in Albis, Piazza Domenico Antonio Farini – 48026 Russi (RA)

Opening Friday September 10, 2021 | 6:30 pm

September 10 > October 2, 2021

10 September 2021
of 184