Silvia Camporesi

SAROM at Artificerie Almagià - Ravenna

We are delighted to share Silvia Camporesi's new project SAROM, curated by Sabina Ghinassi at Artificerie Almagià in Ravenna, with the support of the Emilia Romagna Region, Municipality of Ravenna - Youth Policy Department - Culture Department - Urban Planning Department and in collaboration with Eni Rewind.

On display in the fascinating spaces of Artificerie Almagià an immersive site-specific installation composed of thirteen large images collected by the artist Silvia Camporesi during late spring 2021 in the former SAROM area of ​​Ravenna. SAROM is an iconic place for the contemporary collective imagination (it is famous as a landmark in Michelangelo Antonioni's "The Red Desert") and becomes the symbol, within Appunti per un Terzo Paesaggio 2021, of TerRapia.


Artificerie Almagià - Via dell’Almagià 2, 48121, Darsena di città, Ravenna (IT)
Opening Friday July 23rd, 2021 | 6.30 - 10 pm
July 23 > August 8, 2021

23 July 2021
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