ibc- Silvia Camporesi, Nazzarena Poli Maramotti

We are delighted to share that the works of Silvia Camporesi and Nazzarena Poli Maramotti have been acquired by Ibc - Istituto per i beni artistici culturali e naturali of Emilia Romagna and they will be part of the Emilia-Romagna collections increasing the artistic heritage of the Region.

The initiative, aimed to support Contemporary art, will guarantee public access to the winning works by digitization,  exhibitions, events or even with concessions to other public institutions.
More info at: https://ibc.regione.emilia-romagna.it/notizie/2020/giovani-e-visionarie-ecco-le-opere-darte-contemporanea-selezionate-per-lacquisizione-al-patrimonio-regionale

29 December 2020
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