curated by Elena Volpato and Davide Ferri | Fondazione Coppola, Vicenza
We are happy to share the partecipation of Michele Tocca in the exhibition HM, HE, HA curated by Elena Volpato and Davide Ferri at Fondazione Coppola, Vicenza.
The exhibition is divided in two parts: the first is a dialogue between Michele Tocca and Pesce Khete and it will take place from June the 2nd to September the 14th, 2024. The second part will be a dialogue between Luca Bertolo and Manuele Cerutti.

The title HM, HE, HA recalls exclamations that often emphasize, almost unconsciously, the first sight of a work of art, expressing reflection, surprise, perplexity or even questions.

Julian Barnes, an author loved by the artists displayed and by the two curators, gave that title to a lecture, recalling how Edgar Degas considered those exclamations all that could be said in front of a painting, judging any other comment useless and unnecessary.
Those sounds also accompany the artists in their process, especially the painters who work for approximations, pauses and returns to the work.
The two exhibitions are born from the desire to recognize the importance of a pictorial approach made by creative reflections, delays, doubts, and also obstacles.
There is no theme, or style to unites the four artists, but an attitude that makes painting an exercise of continuous questioning its limits.
This first part will present the intertwined researches of Michele Tocca and Pesce Khete, exhibiting about 35 works made in recent years.

Each floor of the Tower will compare their visions through images and atmospheres that in turn react to the presence of architecture, to its historical characterization as an observation place guarding the territory. The works, in fact, in different ways form a sort of expectation and alertness and that live in an indefinite temporal dimension, between today and the past.




First Part: Pesche Khete and Michele Tocca

curated by Elena Volpato and Davide Ferri

Opening June 1st 2024 | 6 - 9 pm

2 June > 14 September 2024

From Friday to Sunday | 2 - 6 pm (last entrance at 5.30 pm)

Fondazione Coppola

Corso Andrea Palladio 1, 36100 Vicenza

For more information: info@fondazionecoppoa.orgwww.fondazionecoppola.org

22 May 2024
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