Fabrizio Prevedello "Costruzione"

in collaboration with ANCE - Roma ACER

We are delighted to share ou collaboration with ANCE - Roma ACER on the occasion of Costruzione, Fabrizio Prevedello's solo show specifically conceived for ANCE's headquartiers in via di Villa Patrizi 11 in Rome.

The exhibition opening is on Thursday, February 23rd, from 6 to 7.30 pm.


Through the skilful use of industrial and natural materials, Fabrizio Prevedello's research opens sculpture to the investigation of the suggestions of a past updated through an intuition consciously aimed at the reconfiguration of space and, with it, of the perception of the places that are crossed. Reinforced concrete, wood, plaster and stucco, used together with recycled marble and semi-precious stones, give life to a set of sculptures and installations in which the search for the relationship between landscape and architecture becomes fundamental.



Fabrizio Prevedello, Costruzione
Opening Thursday, February 23rd, 2023 | 6-7.30 pm

23 February > 23 March 2023

ANCE Roma ACER - via di Villa Patrizi 11

more info at https://ance.it/



23 February 2023
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