We are happy to share that the GAM of Turin is among the winners of the second edition of the PAC - Plan for Contemporary Art of the General Direction for Contemporary Creativity of the Ministry of Culture. Thanks to the funds made available by the Ministry, GAM will acquire 12 paintings by Michele Tocca (Subiaco, Rome, 1983) made between 2016 and 2022.


The acquired works, together with other paintings by Tocca, will be the subject of an exhibition in 2023, Michele Tocca. Repoussoir, who will put his work in dialogue with some, meditated, examples of paintings taken from the nineteenth century collection of the GAM, including works by Giovanni Battista De Gubernatis, Massimo D'Azeglio, Antonio Fontanesi. The exhibition and publication will make it clear how Tocca's work can embody a fertile contradiction: the first time of the gaze that is placed in front of the world to discover it again in the dimension of the instant, and the awareness of "seeing oneself seen" - how said Valery - which is the artist's awareness of being immersed in the world he is painting and of all the structures of thought, of all the mechanisms of vision, of all the traditions of art that come into play in his observing and in his rate.


The paintings by MIchele Tocca represent the best contemporary painting is producing in Italy and the handing down of sensitivity, attention and intelligence which, through the seasons of art, arrive at a clearly current vision where the conceptual premises of the work are inseparable. the beauty of the pictorial expression and the quality of the hand.


More info: https://www.gamtorino.it/en/node/42104

8 September 2022
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