z2o Sara Zanin is happy to announce Marta Roberti's exhibition titled Cose che non accaddero mai ma che sempre sono and curated by Ilaria Mariotti, on Saturday December 3rd in Villa Pacchiani, Santa Croce sull'Arno (PI).
The exhibition presents Marta Roberti’s research which is based on a vision of the world that sees the human being in a deep and mystical bond with the animal and plant world in a constant metamorphosis.
Central to the artist is the exploration of the relationship between Western and Eastern tradition through mythology.
Marta Roberti builds an imaginary layered, hybridized and complex with the aim of making visible possible identities that do not fit into the schemes dominant cultures where, at the center of everything, is a vital energy. The exhibition is an opportunity to deepen the plastic research of Marta Roberti who won the tenth edition of the Premio Santa Croce graphic (2021).
The exhibition starts from the latest series of drawings made by the artist who, rimpaginando and reconfiguring works of different periods, builds a great narrative in dialogue with the
space. Ambiguous metamorphic creatures, benevolent and terrible, echo, in their
iconography, myths generated by different cultures, connect to the world of nature evoking
complex relationships between human, plant and animal world.
Marta Roberti. Cose che non accaddero mai ma che sempre sono
Curated by Ilaria Mariotti
Opening: Saturday December 3rd | 5 pm
3 December 2022 > 15 January 2023
Sede Centro Attività Espressive Villa Pacchiani, Piazza Pier Paolo Pasolini, 56029 Santa Croce sull'Arno (PI)