z2o Sara Zanin Gallery is glad to present the personal exhibition of the artist Michele Guido entitled Z2O Garden Project _2009.

The ellipse,  a recurring geometric form in Roman architecture, is represented in the installation as the key to an ideal garden. Here, the ellipae overcomes the entire exhibition space, as the  shape represented on the floor gives birth to triangular and squared forms that in turn develop into rectangular flowerbeds on the walls.
On the left  wall, one can find photos which are part of the ‘Victoria Regia Garden Project’ (part of which were also represented in the Fondazione A. Pomodoro in 2008) while on the right wall one can find details of plants that the artist captures in the botanical gardens.
This installation is thought by the artist as a means to combine the visual experience, shown by the images represented, and the tactile experience, shown by the total use of the area in which the photos are installed. 

His zoomed eye and the enlarged print of each photograph, create an effect which almost makes the spectator emerge into the work. In fact, the exotic plants are no longer recognisable and their imperfections become strange evolutions of the form. (A. Iori, Note all’inizio del millennio – M.G.  – Turin – V-9)

Liquidambar 07.03.07, represented on one of the panels that define the space, was originally a spherical fruit which was sectioned by the artist and transformed into a cube. On the panel found directly on the opposite side, one can find ‘Physis #1’, an oval shaped ice, which reminds us of the ellipse found on the gallery floor.