

Text by Antonello Tolve


Z2O Galleria | Sara Zanin is pleased to present Marco Maria Giuseppe Scifo’s solo show entitled Habitat.

Two years after his first solo show, Running Glance, the artist presents a new cycle of works that aims to conceive an organic and complete discourse on a landscape that assigns actual and cultural horizons to build a new and acute reflection on world of life.

In a world of ruins, recovery is a product of healing by means of aesthetics that build the necessary exit from the current apathy.

Divided into four platforms, in four critiquing places, in four projects (works in progress) that articulate themselves in the three spaces of the gallery, the design created by Marco Maria Giuseppe Scifo directs the gaze of the viewer in order to reactivate the capacity for  global analysis concerning the existence of the self and the species.

The four exhibited projects (Globo pentacisdodecaedro, MonsGibel, Habitat – Molecolare and In Nubibus), are characterized by their intention to act in the environment with poetic and delicate intervention. They create valuable access to a meditative process that returns to consider the human being as part of a single living organism in a habitat that is a complete and integral space. The artist proposes the language and  concept of  'locus et logos' in its sense of journey, a journey that highlights the need to recombine (and reconsider) two distinctly distant worlds.

To reunite the various horizons of Nature inside a single perspective space (in respect to its physiological and reflective nature). Seen as a pulsing body and as a place concerning experiences and projects, nature is   the place where cohabitation, participation and relations form the cores and pieces of human thought and the fate of civilization.

 If Globo pentacisdodecaedro, a kinetic sculpture that simulates the planet's rotation along the axis of the earth, highlights the desire to geometrize the spherical shape of the world in order to evaluate volume, read the skin and expose the limitations of the individual, MonsGibel  an installation inscribed in the central hall of the gallery  stands as a walkway that leads the viewer from the first to the last room of the gallery. Habitat  - Molecolare (a series of pen drawings in a light-box) considers, on the other hand, the nature of man and animals as small sets of molecular masses moving in space. In his third piece, In Nubibus, a video animation simulates the movement of the clouds, emphasizing the vaporization of things as well as the atmosphere through which the artist lit comparisons, in particular, the metaphor for light on the loss of morality. It is a territory to be conquered again to enjoy a creative scene - one of nature - in constant evolution.



Marco Maria Giuseppe Scifo (Augusta, IT, 1977) lives and works in Milan (IT).

Selected Solo Show: "Laboratorio habitat", Ass. Culturale beBOCS, Catania, Italia (2012); "Project Space", Molins Interiors, Barcellona, Spagna (2012); "Running Glance" (curated by Antonello Tolve), Z2O Galleria Sara Zanin, Roma, Italia (2011); "Eye Run", (curated by Antonello Tolve), Gallerie du Centre Culturel Français de Milan - Palazzo delle Stelline, Milano, Italia (2010); "Apicoltura", Gallerie du Tableau, Marsiglia, Francia (2007); Galleria Unorossodue, Milano, Italia (2005). Selected Group Show:"13˚ Premio Cairo" (directed by Luca Beatrice), Palazzo della Permanente, Milano, Italia (2012); "Il Quinto Atto" (a cura di Helga Marsala), Galleria Biagiotti, Firenze, Italia (2011 - 12); "Show Time" (curated by Antonello Tolve), Galleria ZAK, Monteriggioni SI, Italia (2011); "Temporaneamente Nuovi - Torano Giorno e Notte XIII" (curated by Maria Mancini), Torano Ca, Italia (2011); "54˚ Esposizione Internazionale d'arte di Venezia Illuminazioni – Padiglione Italia – Accademie" (curated by Vittorio Sgarbi), Arsenale – Tese di San Cristoforo, Venezia, Italia (2011); "Festival Ex Polis – Le città fuori dalla città" (curated by M. M. Linzi e Massimo Mazzone), Triennale Milano, Milano, Italia (2011); "Open 13" Esposizione Internazionale di Scultura (a cura di Paolo De Grandis), Venezia, Lido, Isola di San Servolo, Italia (2010); "Seconda edizione del Concorso Internazionale per Giovani Scultori" Fondazione Arnaldo Pomodoro (Vincitore del premio acquisto UniCredit Group), Milano, Italia (2008); "Pericoloso Sporgersi" (curated by Stefania Meazza and Catherine Macchi) l'Atelier Soardi, Nizza, Francia (2008); Museo Gennaro Pérez, Cordoba, Argentina (2008). "Parking" Galleria Unorossodue, Milano, Italia (2005); "Da lontano era un'isola" (curated by Master Curator, classe 2004 dell'Accademia di Brera) C/O Careof e Fabbrica del Vapore, Milano.