curated by Davide Ferri 

December 2, 2017 > February, 2018

Moto ondoso stabile (Average Waves in Unprotected Waters) is a show that includes works by Jinn Bronwen Lee, Neil Gall, Rezi van Lankveld,  Nazzarena Poli Maramotti, Alessandro Sarra, Jessica Warboys and it provides an occasion for fresh reflection on certain specific aspects of the  medium of painting, beginning from the suggestion offered by the title – taken from a short story by Anne Tyler – and recalls the drawing of waves, an evenly rippled sea, and therefore the idea of an irregular surface permeated by irrepressible, continuous movement.

Work after work, Moto ondoso stabile is traversed by such movement, which is translated into unstable, jagged surfaces, clots of gestures and brushstrokes capable of generating vaguely indescribable forms and figures that emerge as presences and apparitions in a disarticulated and inhomogeneous space (no longer organically coherent in classical sense) that are apparently abstract, multicentric.