SIFR - la distanza canonica 
curated by Valentina Ciarallo

December 7, 2010 > January 13, 2011 

z2o Sara Zanin Gallery is glad to present the first personal exhibition of the artist Silvia Camporesi. The project entitled Sifr – La distanza canonica (Sifr – The Canonical Distance) is the third part of a longterm work which analyzes the relationship between body and spirit, a constant theme of her artistic research. After Dance dance dance - la nuotatrice and Secondo vento - la karateka the artist dedicated Sifr - which in Arabic means ‘zero’ as the empty set necessary for something to begin - to the sport of racing. A personal reflection on how we can get to a spiritual evolution starting from the body and the physical effort. The exhibition is structured around a video in which the artist has to face a physical and mental process testing the emotions of one's being. The race and the hard work it entails, the moments of weakness and exaltation of the one who tests it; the race as a value and survival strategy; the race that is sufficient - with a gap of a few Split/Second - to give our existence an entirely different course; the race as a kind of purification and regeneration through the elimination of toxins. The artist goes through her beloved landscapes of the province of Ravenna, running between the snowwhite salt of Cervia and thick forests. She crosses smokestacks and nature reserves by addressing the difficulty of the terrain and struggling against the wind. Her parachute-skirt is heavy and light at the same time as the stages of our lives. Her run – which is as a metaphor for a spiritual path - becomes an endless journey. Z2O Galleria l Sara Zanin Z2O Galleria l Sara Zanin Via dei Querceti 6, 00184 Rome (Italy) tel. +39 06 70452261 website: email: opening hours: mon – sat 3.00- 7.00 pm (or by appointment) Within a sacred atmosphere a scale of seven rungs is suspended in front of the artist symbolically to unite earth and sky. The action of the race along with the performance’s rhythm return as visual experience through a series of photographic images that unfold on the walls of the gallery. A sequence of external and mental landscapes, real and imaginary shots belonging to the protagonist’s mind, intimate details that fade into each other as line and color in perfect harmony. To complete this fascinating journey there are two "moving picture" presented in small digital photo frames.


We shall not cease from exploration

And the end of all our exploring

Will be to arrive where we started

And know the place for the first time

(T. S. Eliot)