Sguardo Straniero


z2o Sara Zanin Gallery is pleased to announce Sguardo Straniero, the second solo show of Alessandro Roma’s works which will open on Wednesday, October 17 at 6.30 pm.  

Alessandro Roma proposes a site-specific project in which the dialogue between painting and ceramics production becomes more urgent. The exhibition is displayed together with other two projects which involve the artist: at Mic – International Museum of Ceramics in Faenza, accompanied by the release of a catalogue edited by Silvana Editore (with critical essays by Irene Biolchini, curator of the show, and Marina Dacci) and at Casa Museo Asger Jorn in Albissola (Italy).  

Focusing on ceramics, bas reliefs, artist’s books, large paintings and handpainted silks, the exhibition displays the succession between solids and voids, the tension among form and color; these aspects become the hallmarks of a renewed glaze. The process becomes a peculiar element of Roma’s artistic practice, at the same time the space is no more related to the neutral white cube but – due to the wall drawing that Alessandro painted - asserts his intent to develop an immersive surrounding.

Even the new large paintings produced for the exhibition tend to create a loss of orientation. This tension to the “disorentation” and “dislocation” becomes also the leitmotiv of the project at Casa Museo Asger Jorn in Albissola (curated by Luca Bochicchio) where -  among the ceramics and handpainted silks -  a performer will interprete some Emily Dickinson’s poems that, similarly, stands for a path connecting reality and evasion to become absorbed in another dimension.