On a lovely and far-wandering walk a thousand useful and usable thoughts occur to me. Shut in at home I would miserably decay and wither. Walking is for me not only healthy, and lovely, it is also of service and useful. A walk advances me professionally, and provides me at the same time also with amusement and joy; it refreshes me and comforts and delights me, is a pleasure for me, and simultaneously, it has the peculiarity that it allures me and spurs me on to further creation, since it offers me as material numerous small and large objectivities upon which I later work at home, diligently and industriously. A walk is always filled with significanty phenomena, which are valuable to see and feel.

(Robert Walser, The Walk)


Alessandro Roma plays with the notions of perceiving what is undefined: if on the one hand his works are linked to the classic themes of landscape painting tradition, on the other hand they explore their boundaries and shirk formal techniques in favour of an on-going melding between memory and imagination.