Guglielmo Maggini (Rome, 1992) lives and works in Rome.
His work stands at the border between installation and sculpture. His art captures the transition from one world to the next: a world of colours, sometimes exuberant,a world of epiphanies, of forms that no longer contain something but which themselves become bearers of something forgotten. Organic plastic materials like clay, and synthetics like rubber, resins, and more generally the world of plastic polymers, blend together in a sensitive exploration
of the relationship between life and death, a journey between historical and personal memory. Space is conceived as a plastic volume, imaginary but above all psychosomatic. The relationships between the viewer, the artwork, and the architecture become the cornerstone of Maggini’s artistic process: on one hand, the physical space inevitably affects the sensory perception of the visitor; on the other, the artistic intervention brings about profound and decisive changes in the objective perception of the external world.