Art Brussels 2018: Evgeny Antufiev, Alessandro Roma

19 - 22 April 2018 
Discovery section | Booth D37

z2o Sara Zanin Gallery presents a booth displaying works of the artists Evgeny Antufiev and Alessandro Roma, both collaborating directly with the gallery.

The vase is perhaps the most archaic symbol linked to the woman and is identified with the body holding life, the human being, linked with the cosmic force and the female archetype. 
The body/vase encloses, but also originates, a dark and mysterious hollow, and it’s a beneficial and fecundating element bringing things from the inside to the outside, from darkness to light and viceversa, in the circle of life of transformation and rebirth.

Roma’s and Antufiev’s works open up to the eternal dialogue between nature, culture and memory.

In Roma’s works the vase holds the earth, nature’s womb, and represents the attempt to remain tied to the nature by the umbilical cord: a transmission chain between the earth and the human body, and the latter’s aspiration to be part of it, melting within it. In Antufiev’s works the vase carries and transforms symbolic figures that have always moved along human existence and imagination, through never ending stories told across cultures and times, in an eternal and shared understanding. Both artists use ceramics by playing with peculiar textures: Roma with surfaces highlighting the dreamlike translucency of matter; Antufiev with the single firing of different kinds of clay, treated with natural glazes oxidizing and ageing on the surface to evoke the concept of old remains.

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